The Baldrige/Quality System Survey
Working Group Home Page

Whats_NewClick here to see the results of the 1992-1998 Quality System Survey Analysis

Whats_NewClick here to see where the QSS fits in the VA Suite of Evaluation Tools.

Whats_NewClick here for a list of sites that have taken the QSS.


The table below shows the number of VAMC facilities that have taken the QSS by year and number of responses:

Year QSS Was Taken

Number of VAMCs

Number of Responses

 1992  8  6,789
 1993  14  7,628
 1994  49  27,020
 1995  34  11,146
 1996  25  9,148
 1997  20  4,869
 1998  25  5,970
 1999  13  6,228
 2000  28  14,150
 Total  219  92,409

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Last updated: January 4, 2001